JB Morin is a renowned French researcher who is a full professor at Université Côte d’Azur in Nice, France. Morin is also Director of the Masters in Sports Performance and Training Science Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Sport Science there. JB’s field of research is mainly human locomotion and performance, with a specific interest in running biomechanics and maximal power movements (sprint, jumps). He has published approximately 110 peer-reviewed journal articles since 2004.
Morin is one of the foremost experts in speed, acceleration, and vertical jump training, providing some of the most in-depth applied studies available. JB gives incredible insight into all aspects of his research and its applications. He also talks about his findings on force-velocity profiling and overspeed training in jumping, and he goes into great detail on the use of ankle training and how to maximize acceleration efficiency to improve performance. Morin explains his findings on sled training and what volume and intensity affect performance most effectively.
In this podcast, JB Morin discusses with Joel:
- His findings on using force-velocity jump profiling to correct athlete imbalances.
- His inexpensive apps that will allow coaches to assess jumping ability and force production.
- Programming to increase lower leg training stiffness to improve performance.
- His research on how the ratio of force in sprinting can help coaches determine which specific aspects of sprints need to be further developed to maximize outcomes.
JB has also been interviewed about elite sprint kinetics and training on SimpliFaster.
Podcast total run time is 44:51.
Keywords: speed, acceleration, vertical jump, force, overspeed