About SimpliFaster

SimpliFaster is a commitment. To speed. To power. A commitment to better tools, better methods, and better technologies for developing explosive athletes. A commitment to a high performance model spanning from sports rehab to elite competition, empowering coaches, trainers, and performance professionals to work towards a common goal. A commitment to educational resources and an open platform for coaches to share best practices and firsthand insights. A commitment to our customers: providing peerless technology, equipment, and service. Simply. Faster.

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Changing with the Game: Lessons in Opportunity ...


Coach Nate Huffstutter emphasizes the physical, mental, and developmental ben...

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Tsunami Bar Training Technology Review


Adding novel technologies to training can make it easier to keep athletes eng...

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Impacting Game Day in Collegiate Softball


Softball players have lengthy pre-game warm-ups, but the processes rarely pre...

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Strength vs. Speed: What’s the Difference?


Strength and speed compliment each other while serving different purposes, wi...

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